
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rebuttal to Esquire article (of sorts)

I took a break from work to look over cutie, and agent extraordinaire Nathan Bransford’s blog. In his post, he referenced Esquire’s post about vampires and gay men. Of course, I had to click over and read it. Gotta say, I'm not agreeing with this man’s opinion.

Why do so many want to turn genre fiction into a platform for religious or economic crisis? Can't we just like scary stories for the sake of a good scare? I'm curious what those of you who are interested think. (I’ll wait while you read………)

Okay ready?

I really get frustrated when people turn everything into a platform with religious connotations. Now, I’m not saying that he’s doing that per say. What I am saying is that many people do. Stating that woman like vampire stories because most secretly desire to have sex with gay men, is ridiculously equivalent to saying Men play sports because they’re in the closet and like the physical contact with other men. I’d bet money that several large, professional football players would kick your ass if you mentioned that to their faces. Anyone game to try it? (Not this girl!)

So many things are continuously taken out of context. The article implies that fascination with vampires is a result of another round of sexual revolution. Maybe so. But then again, aren’t we in a perpetual state of sexual revolution? In the last several decades, we’ve gone from do anything and anyone, to abstinence, and back again. Do I like gay men? I have several good friends that are. Do I want to sleep with them? Well I have enough lost causes going on, adding one more seems a bit masochistic.

In addition, the article discusses the rise and fall of vampire fiction coinciding with the rise of Aids and other socioeconomic events. My take? The world is a messy, scary place. To see that, all you have to do is turn on the news. Any station, any channel. It’s terrifying. I’d much rather go to sleep worrying about, "What if a vampire showed up?" Instead of, "What if I wake up and all the banks are shut down?" (I'm not nearly as worried about the vampire.)

I think most people want to escape from reality. Sci-fi/fantasy provides it. Not everything has to equate to sex or god. Sometimes a tomato is a nice, plump--wait for it--tomato. End of story.

What do you think? I’m curious to read your comments and hear your ideas. Are people looking in the wrong places for answers to unnecessary questions?


  1. Well, apparently the man who wrote it is guy and really doesn't know much about women. Edward from the books Twilight or any other vampire for that matter has nothing to do with straight women wanting to have sex with gay men.

    If you want we can go back to the more primative examples of what draws women to men. The first most obvious thing that I can think of is the fact women want men that can protect them and care for them. Most vampires in fiction are extremely strong and are capable of protecting a the woman they love. Also, most fictional vampires are wealthy. Another form of taking care of the woman they love.

    I wrote on my post several weeks back why Twilight is popular here Sept 14th entry

    But there are several things that draw humans (and I'm not just saying women here now) to vampires and enjoy watching/reading the fictional characters. They are sexy, a little dangerous, mysterious, loyal, and a uncomparable ability to love (and that is from someone that is undead)

    But for the reason for straight women to want to have sex with gay men (and I'm saying that doesn't happen--but in this case) has absolutely nothing to do with why women like to read/watch stories about vampires.

    The person who wrote that article needs to ask women why they enjoy it. I am sure the majority would name the reasons I have stated above.

  2. i read that aslo and thought it was unbelievably stupid. c'mon now? i read about hot vamp guys because they are dark and mysterious (hence the drinking blood) last time i check gay men don't drink blood, and they can't kill you in three seconds flat. love 'em, but would title them "dangerous"

  3. I think people like to make things into anything else than what they are. I don't like copy-cats. If the story is orginal and written visually I personally enjoy it. But I don't like it when the story takes on an agenda of sorts.
