
Friday, December 7, 2012

Traveling Vlog-- Willow's Christmas Vlog

Welcome to this episode of the Traveling Vlog!  Today I'm talking a bit about getting rid of the Christmas Blues and cheap ways to enhance your holiday experience.

Thanks for stopping by and Merry Christmas from our house to yours!!!!


  1. salt dough recipe
    1/2 cup salt
    1/2 cup flour
    1/4 cup water
    Bake at 200 degrees for up to 3 hours

  2. Merry Christmas to you Willow!!!! I burn candles every year for my daughter & mom who have passed & that helps some bc it`s like having them here with us in a way! Another way to do turkey is go to Aldis if you have one in your area & get a turkey breast & make it. They are really good & don`t really cost alot. Being with loved ones & friends is important for the holidays!
    Willow it was good video, you are such a caring person & so sweet!Thank you!<3
